
Name Organization

Adrian Thummerer
LMU University Hospital
Arhur Jr. Galapon
UMC Groningen
Christopher Kurz
LMU University Hospital
Erik van der BijlRadboud UMC Nijmegen
Florian Kamp  
University Hospital Cologne
Guillame Landry
LMU University Hospital
Maarten Terpstra
UMC Utrecht
Matteo Maspero
UMC Utrecht
Niklas Wahl
DKFZ Heidelberg
Viktor Rogowski
Skane University Hospital/Lund University


The following people and institutions supported the challenge:

Evi HuijbenTU Eindhoven - Evi made the logo/banner of the challenge
UMC Utrecht
Stefan Both  
UMC Groningen

LMU University Hospital


SynhtRAD2025 is supported by:

    via an endorsement 

  • NVFK (Dutch Society of Medical Physics) is revising the endorsement for this event

  • DGPM (German Society of Medical Physics) via an endorsement

Data providers

The following institutions and people were crucial for the data collection: 

Matteo Maspero
UMC Utrecht
Mark SavenijeUMC Utrecht
Martijn Intven
UMC Utrecht
Erik van der BijlRadboud UMC Nijmegen
Adrian Thummerer  
LMU University Hospital
Christopher Kurz
LMU University Hospital
Guillame Landry
LMU University Hospital
Florian KampUniversity Hospital Cologne
Arthur Jr GalaponUMC Groningen
Stefan BothUMC Groningen

Role definition

The following four roles can be assumed to the challenge


Take care of challenge organization

1. Person only  
2. NOT participate in the challenge (possible access to data)


Support the challenge organization
1. Person or institute only
2. NOT participate in the challenge (possible access to data)
Data provider
Collect and provide data to the organizers

1. Person or institution 
2. Support the organizer in the organization without an active role, not involved in the decision-making
3. NOT participate in the challenge

Take part in the challenge
1. Teams of up to 5 people

2. No organizer, contributor, or data provider

3. Follow the rules to possibly win a 🏆 

4. Members of the organizers' institutes may participate in the challenge if not listed among the organizers, contributors, or data providers and did not co-author any publication with the organizers in the past three years; otherwise, they can submit but are not eligible for the prizes.

Funding bodies

The challenge has been funded thanks to ...